Last Modified: 24 May 2024


Earptopia Fan Convention, a registered not-for-profit organization in the country of Canada and the province of Alberta, is putting on what is sure to be a completely kick-ass Comic-Con style convention for the television show Wynonna Earp called Earptopia 2024 (“the Event”) which is scheduled to take place from 3 October 2024 to 6 October 2024 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and surrounding areas.

Our wish is that everyone who comes to Earptopia has the absolute best time of their lives and we hope and expect that everyone will be awesome to each other and to everyone involved in Earptopia, and that everything will go super smoothly, and that these Terms and Conditions will not be necessary at all. However, though that is our hope and expectation, we must put these Terms and Conditions together to protect the innocent (and ourselves). So, let’s get to it.

By Participating (defined herein) in the Event (defined herein) or any part of the Event, each individual (each, a “Participant”, defined herein) acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions unless otherwise specified in contracts signed by the individual Participant and Earptopia. In those cases, the individual contract supersedes where there is a conflict.

These Terms and Conditions are set out to ensure the comfort and safety of all individuals in attendance of Earptopia in various capacities, to established expected behavior when in attendance at Earptopia, and to set out legal rights and responsibilities of all Parties (defined herein). At any time, Earptopia may amend these Terms and Conditions without notice to Participant by posting the amended Terms and Conditions on the Event website at with a new “Last Modified” date printed at the top.

If any Participant does not agree with the entirety of these Terms and Conditions, that individual should not participate in any way or in any part of the Event.


The following terms and definitions shall apply throughout these Terms and Conditions (hang with us here):

  • to “Participate” (or “Participation”) means engaging with the Event in any way including but not limited to purchasing Credentials, registering for, attending, accessing, entering, or viewing the Event or any part of the Event, be it physically at any Event location or digitally on any part of our Platform (including reading these Terms and Conditions)
  • a “Participant” may also be referred to as an “Attendee”, a “Purchaser”, a “Credential Holder”, “you”, “your”, and similar terms
  • a “Minor Participant” is any Participant under the age of 16
  • “Earptopia” refers to both the Event and the Event Team and as such may also be referred to as “the Organizers”, “the Hosts”, “the Event”, “the Convention”, “we”, “us”, “our”, and similar terms
  • “Earptopia Staff” refers to the core planners of Earptopia and those individuals able to make business decisions for Earptopia
  • “Volunteers” refers to individuals, vital to the success of Earptopia (no, really, volunteers are amazing and valued and needed, thank you so much to our Volunteers), who are giving of their time and/or expertise to Participate in the Event in such a way as to perform needed or requested tasks on a volunteer basis
  • “Talent”, possibly also referred to as “Guests”, “Cast”, or “Crew”, are members of the Wynonna Earp cast and crew, who Earptopia has contracted to attend the Event to interact with Attendees, Volunteers, and other Participants
  • the “Venue” refers to any location, whether indoors, outdoors, in a vehicle, or anywhere else where the Event or parts of the Event take place. With this definition, the “Venue” may not always refer to the main Event Hotel and may also be referred to as a “Location”
  • an “Activity” refers to any portion of the Event, be it a PhotoOp, Autograph, a Meet & Greet, a specialty photo, a visit to the Selfie Room, a visit to the Wardrobe Store, or any other individualized happening at the Event
  • a Participant’s “Credentials” shall be defined as a valid individual identifier provided by Earptopia which entitles a Participant to Participate in the Event and/or an Activity at the Event in some way, whether such Credentials are a physical object (including, but not limited to, a badge, ticket, ribbon, wristband, voucher, or other physical identifier), or an intangible object (including, but not limited to, a unique code, account, login, link, or other digital identifier).
  • Our “Platform” is defined collectively as each distribution platform and/or digital service utilized by the Organizers in connection with the Event, including, but not limited to, the Event website(s), our Social Media accounts, ticket selling site we employ, the waitlist site we employ, or any third-party site linked to or used
  • “Vendors” may refer to either third parties Earptopia has contracted to perform or provide certain objects or skills or may refer to individual(s) who are selling items within the Event space
  • “Party” or “Parties” refer to all individuals who are Participating in any way in Earptopia

Credentials / Badges / Tickets

A Credential (specifically, an Entrance Badge) is required for all Participants to enter and be in the Venue. Additional Credentials may be required for Participation in various Activities within the Venue and/or the Event.  The specific nature of the Credential required depends on the type of Participant. Different Parties will have different Credentials and Participation in different Activities within the Event will require different Credentials.

For most Participants, a Credential (for entry or other Activities) must be purchased.

Cost of Credentials will vary depending on the type of Credential purchased. All Credential prices are non-negotiable and will have a 5% GST required by Canadian law, as well as a service charge, applied.

For details and further Terms and Conditions for different kinds of Credentials, they will be included as pages are added.

If the individual Terms and Conditions linked to above conflict with these Terms and Conditions, the individual Terms and Conditions supersede.

Purchase of Credentials

Purchasing of all Credentials is available online solely at Earptopia’s page on or in person at the Venue. Participant agrees to not purchase from any other location and acknowledges that, if they do, the Credentials purchased may be counterfeit or stollen or otherwise not recognized or accepted by the Organizers. Further, Participant acknowledges that purchasing of any and all Credentials for Earptopia are at Participant’s free will. As such, Participant does not have the right to initiate a charge-back claim or dispute on the provider of the credit card, debit card, payment app, or other means of payment that was used for purchasing the Credential.

Issuance of Credentials

Generally, Credentials will be issued to the Participant at the time of registration at the Event or at the time of purchase at the Venue. Credentials issued at the time of registration will only be issued to the individual whose name is associated with the Credential. Photo ID will be required to have Entrance Badge Credentials issued to you and may be required for other Credentials to be issued to you.

Usage of Credentials

All Credentials, purchased or otherwise, are a revocable license to Participate in Earptopia 2024 and/or Activities at Earptopia 2024 and the Organizers reserve the right to revoke such license at any time at the Organizer’s sole reasonable discretion. Participants must print their name on their Credentials when issued.  All Credentials may only be used by the same individual Participant for all days of the Event. Sharing of any Credential during the course of the Event is strictly prohibited and may result in the confiscation of the Credential without refund or compensation. At any time during the Event, the Organizers reserve the right to ask you to produce identification that shows you are the individual the Credential was issued to. All Participants must have and display Credentials to gain entrance to the Venue and at all times while at the Venue. Failure to do so may result in denial of entry or removal from the Venue and Event. Any Minor Participant must be in the presence of a non-Minor Participant guardian or parent at all times.

Loss of Credentials

Once issued to Participant, Credentials must be protected, safeguarded, and treated like cash at all times by the Participant. Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Organizers are not responsible for, and shall have no liability – financially, legally, or otherwise – resulting from any loss of or damage to any Credentials. Seriously, don’t lose your badges / tickets, people!

Refunds of Credentials

Once purchased, Event Credentials of any kind are non-refundable.

Credentials that involve one and only one Guest (ex. solo PhotoOps, Meet&Greet) who sadly has to cancel and cannot attend the Event, can be transferred to another guest if available for no additional cost, or be refunded for the base value of the Credential (minus taxes and fees).

If in the unfortunate event that Earptopia has to be cancelled in its entirety due global pandemics, wild fires, extreme blizzards, governmental actions, the zombie apocalypse, or other unforeseen and insurmountable circumstances the Organizers have the absolute right to reschedule the event to a later date and time. All Credentials will automatically be valid at the rescheduled dates and times. If Participant is unable to make the rescheduled dates and times, Participant may resell their Credentials, but no refunds will be issued.  If the Event cannot be rescheduled, refunds to the best of Organizer’s ability will be issued to all Participants. Refunds, if issued, will include only the base cost of the Credential. The refund will not include under any circumstances shipping costs, handling fees, processing fees, taxes, or any other charges above and beyond the base cost of the Credential.

Resale of Credentials

Resale of Credentials is permitted at the sole risk of the buyer and the seller. Certain Credentials including but not limited to Entrance Badges, Didsbury Day Tickets, and Specialty PhotoOps Tickets, have a specific name associated with them; if these Credentials are sold Earptopia MUST be notified such that the name associated with the credential can be updated. How to notify Earptopia can be found in the individual Terms and Conditions for these Credentials. Selling tickets for more than what was paid for them (including taxes and fees) is strictly prohibited. All resale notifications must be made to Earptopia no later than three (3) weeks prior to the first day of the Event and completed no later than two (2) weeks prior to the first day of the Event.

Revocation of Credentials

The unauthorized resale of Credentials (including, but not limited to, “scalping”), the creation of counterfeit Credentials, the sharing of Credentials, or using of incorrect Credentials (ex. Using a Crew Credential when you are not crew, using a ‘Minor’ Credential when you are not a Minor) is strictly prohibited and constitutes an immediate forfeiture of Participant’s Credentials without compensation from the Organizers. Further, Organizers expressly reserve their rights to deny admission or entry, to remove, ban, or eject a Participant, or to revoke or terminate any Participant’s Credentials or access to any Activity of the Event, without refund, liability or compensation, as a result of: (1) failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions in its entirety; (2) any illegal, unsafe, offensive or threatening behavior which Organizers could reasonably consider to be disruptive of the Event; or (3) circumstances which Organizers determine impact the safety, security, or order of the Event, each in the Organizers’ sole and absolute discretion. Any such determination by the Organizers shall be final. If the Credential is revoked, Participant will not be granted entry to the Venue, Event, or part of the Event.

Code of Conduct

Earptopia’s top priority is the physical and emotional safety of all Participants. As such, while Earptopia wants all Participants to have fun and enjoy their time at Earptopia to the fullest, we also hope all Participants will treat each other with kindness and respect, and, further, we will prohibit certain behaviors which, honestly should be common sense, but we’ve enumerated them below.

General Behavior

The Organizers expressly reserves its rights to deny admission or entry, to remove, ban, or eject a Participant, or to revoke or terminate any Participant’s Credentials or access to any Activity of the current Event or future Events, without refund, liability, or compensation, as a result of:

  • inappropriate behavior of any kind, including, but not limited to, harassment or discrimination due to age, disability, marital status, pregnancy, race or color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity
  • any threatening behavior toward the Organizers, the hotel staff, our volunteers, our guests, or other attendees, regardless of intention; Organizers reserve the right to involve local law enforcement if the threatening behavior is egregious and repeated
  • illegal and/or prohibited drug usage or possession, including all prohibited usage based on the laws of Canada, Alberta, and Calgary (this includes smoking/vaping of any substance except in designated outdoor areas)
  • any type of behavior that Organizers reasonably deem lewd or obscene
  • any brandishing of, carrying of, or displaying of any item that can be construed as a weapon; cosplay items must be properly tagged by the Organizers
  • selling or using for profit any and all images / recording taken within the Venue

All Participants who witness any of the above are encouraged to report such behavior to Earptopia Staff or Volunteers.

Venue Space Behavior

  • Out of respect for our cast and crew members, Participant agrees to not take video or audio recordings, take photographs, or request photos with our Guests while they are moving around the Venue whether accompanied by Staff or Volunteers or on their own.

Panel Room Behavior

  • Live streaming while in the Panel Room to a location outside the Panel Room is strictly prohibited and may result in the immediate and permanent expulsion from the Panel Room
  • Video and/or audio recording of entire panels is strictly prohibited. Don’t worry, Earptopia will record the panels.
  • Flash photography and photography with a DSLR camera and/or a camera with a removeable lens is strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion from Panel Room. Repeated violations can result in confiscation of Credentials without refund.
  • Any behavior deemed disruptive, including but not limited to loud and repeated interruption of panelists by Participant or minors in the care of Participant, rushing the stage at any point, raising cameras of any kind (including smartphones) above seated shoulder level except in designated areas and during designated times is prohibited and can result in expulsion from Panel Room. Repeated violations can result in confiscation of credentials without refund.

Autograph Room Behavior

  • Photographs and video or audio recordings in the Autograph Room are strictly prohibited unless for getting paid selfies or otherwise explicitly granted by the Organizers
  • Organizers reserve the right to require Participant to delete all photographs / recordings obtained in the autograph room that are not paid selfies
  • Repeatedly taking of unauthorized photographs or recordings in the Autograph Room may result in confiscation of all Participant Credentials without refund or compensation

PhotoOps Behavior

  • Picking up Talent or having Talent pick you up is strictly prohibited. Permission from Talent to pick them up or have them pick you up is irrelevant; Earptopia cannot and is not allowing this. Organizers reserve the right to confiscate any photos that violate this policy without refund. Organizers reserve the right to revoke all Participant Credentials for repeated violations of this policy. Basically, just don’t pick them up.
  • Display of Pride flags, the Canadian National flag, and official First Nations and Canadian indigenous tribal flags is allowed. Display of any other flags is respectfully but strictly disallowed. Organizers have the sole right to determine what flag is allowed or not allowed. Organizers reserve the right to confiscate any photos that violate this policy without refund. Organizers reserve the right to revoke all Participant Credentials for repeated violations of this policy.
  • Talent and Earptopia have the sole right to reject PhotoOp requests for any reason without explanation. In such cases Participant can request something else for the PhotoOp.
  • Participant acknowledges that PhotoOps are an exciting opportunity to get a photo with your fav, but purchasing of a PhotoOp credential does not guarantee ability to use props nor guarantee ability to request specific poses / actions from the guests.

Specialty PhotoOps Behavior

  • To be added upon announcement of Specialty PhotoOps

Vehicle PhotoOps Behavior

  • To be added upon announcement of Vehicle PhotoOps

Cosplay, Props, and Dress Code

We fully encourage Cosplay any time and all times and hope many Participants do engage in Cosplay and it’s possible we have some things planned for all you amazing Cosplayers out there.  However, ALL Participants must be aware of the following restrictions for both Cosplayers and other Participants:

  1. Cosplay does NOT imply consent of anything. Participants agree to not touch or take photos of or with Cosplayers without their consent.
  2. As there are minors in attendance, any cosplay that the Organizers deem inappropriate or offensive will be asked to be modified such that they are no longer inappropriate or offensive
  3. Any props which resemble weapons (swords, guns, etc.) must be non-metallic, contain no edges capable of causing physical harm, have no ability to shoot anything, and be fake. Items that are weapons or look like weapons must not function nor have ever functioned as a weapon.
  4. Any props which resemble weapons (swords, guns, etc.) must be presented to Earptopia Security for inspection and tagging to indicate they are fake. The tag given by Earptopia Security must be prominently visible on the prop while it is in the Venue.
  5. Any props which resemble weapons must not be wielded against any other Participant in a way that appears real except with the express consent of the other Participant
  6. Any props which breach these rules may be confiscated by security and may also be misconstrued by local law enforcement as a real weapon (yeah, this is worst case scenario but also a possible scenario)

Event Activities

The Event’s operating hours, schedules, floor plans, exhibitors, vendors, guests, and speakers are subject to change or cancellation without notice to Participants. All Event Activities (panels, special events, workshops, autograph sessions, photo ops, performances, screenings, room or space access, off-venue outings, and/or any other activities held by the Event) are subject to availability and access is not guaranteed for all Participants.

Access to any specific Event Activity may require an additional separately purchased Credential and/or will only be available to designated Participants or types of Credentials. To the extent an Event Activity occurs at a specific time and for a specific set of Participants, each authorized Participant will only be permitted access to such Event Activity during the specific time determined by the Organizers. The Organizers reserve all rights to deny entry, ban, or remove any unauthorized Participants from any such Event Activity.

Participant is solely responsible for Participating in Event Activities in a timely manner and for observing any specific times or time limits provided to Participant by the Organizers. In the event Participant fails to Participate in any part of the Activity at a specific time and Participant is subsequently unable to Participate in the Activity, the Organizers have no obligation to provide a full or partial refund or future credits. The Organizers are not responsible for delays and/or wait times in connection with any Event Activity or with the Event itself. The Organizers may reasonably change the time of an Event Activity in order to accommodate unexpected events, events beyond Organizers’ control, other Event Activities being delayed, or ending earlier than expected or later than expected.


In all cases where there is a dispute between any Party, the decision of the Organizers in such dispute is considered final.

Collection of Personal Information & Privacy Policy

By Participating in the Event in any way, or by submitting information to the Organizers in connection with the Event, Participant agrees the Organizers can collect, store, and use personal information including but not limited to name, email, date of birth, preferred pronouns, and social media handle, of the Participant for communicating updates about the event, confirming Participant’s identity when issuing Credentials, or other purposes directly related to the Event. In addition, Participant authorizes and permits the Organizers to share Participant’s personal information with such affiliated entities, exhibitors, vendors, contractors, or third parties with which Participant authorizes in connection with the Event, including, but not limited to, purchasing Credentials, scanning Credentials in connection with the Event, accessing such third party’s content in connection with the Event, or paying with a third-party application.

Earptopia will not sell, share, or use any personal information for our own purposes or with any third party except for those uses and purposes outlined in the paragraph above and which are being used in direct connection with Participation in the Event.

Intellectual Property Rights

Release of Likeness

Participant acknowledges that video, audio, and still recordings will be taking place throughout the Venue by Earptopia designated personnel. In exchange for the opportunity to Participate in the Event, Participant authorizes, permits, and grants to the Organizers the royalty-free, absolute, and irrevocable right to publish, reproduce, portray, distribute and/or otherwise use the Likeness of Participant in all media formats (whether now known or hereafter existing), worldwide, solely in connection with the distribution, promotion and publicity of the Event (including future editions thereof). In other words, we might take your picture and post it on our social media.

Release of Participant Content

It is possible that the Event may request Participants submit, share, post, create, or otherwise distribute content, which may include but is not limited to, submitting panel questions, submitting photos or short videos Participant took at the Event, submitting messages for Cast and/or crew. If Participant submits any such content, it is done so at Participant’s free will and grants the Organizers the royalty-free, absolute, and irrevocable right to publish, reproduce, portray, distribute and/or otherwise use the content in all media formats (whether now known or hereafter existing), worldwide, solely in connection with the distribution, promotion and publicity of the Event (including future editions thereof). Earptopia, who are not jerks, will do our best to give credit to Participant for submitted content when feasible.

Copyright Violations

The Participant indemnifies the Event and its Organizers of any copyright violations Participant engages in while at the Event.

Use of Earptopia Materials

Any and all digital and physical assets on any part of the Earptopia Platform, including but not limited to our website (, our various social media accounts and our email accounts, must not be republished, reproduced, duplicated or copied under any circumstances without the express written consent of the Organizers.

Assumption of Risk and Release

Participant acknowledges that there are hazards and risks incidental to Participating in the Event. By accepting Credentials and/or by Participating in the Event, or part of the Event, Participant freely and voluntarily assumes any and all risks which are incidental to the Event, regardless of severity and regardless of whether or not caused by the negligence of Earptopia, including, but not limited to, loss, property damage, injury or damage to persons and/or death. Further, Participant acknowledges that there is an inherent risk of exposure to communicable disease, including, but not limited to, COVID-19, in any public place where people are present, and, by Participating in the Event, Participant freely and voluntarily assumes any and all risks related to such exposure. Participant agrees to follow all health and safety instructions, guidelines, or standards issued by local, state, and federal governmental authorities, as well as any health and safety instructions, guidelines, or standards for the Event which may be posted on-site at the Venue, within the Platform (including on the Event website), or as otherwise provided to Participant by the Organizers.

In consideration for Participating in the Event, Participant hereby releases and forever discharges the Organizers, the Venue(s), the city(ies) in which Event activities are located, the Platform, each of their parent, affiliated, and subsidiary companies, and each of their respective agents, employees, officers, directors, trustees, shareholders, contractors, sponsors, and any third parties acting on their behalf (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including attorney fees) which are related to, arise from or out of, or are in any way connected to Participant’s Participation in the Event, whether or not such claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses are caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or by the infringement or violation of any right. This release shall be effective and binding upon any heirs, agents, personal representatives or assignees of Participant (and of the Guardian if Participant is a Minor).


The Organizers are deeply committed to making Earptopia and all Activities of Earptopia as accessible as possible to all Participants.

Earptopia will provide designated seating in all our rooms for Participants that need it. Earptopia’s volunteers will instructed and impowered to make accommodations for any Participant where needed. Earptopia will allow service animals that are easily identifiable as such and, for the safety and comfort of guests with animal allergies, are leashed at all times while in the Venue.  If you have any specific needs or concerns, contact us via email

Participant also acknowledges that while most of Earptopia will be fully accessible, there are certain parts of the Venue / Locations / Activities which are not entirely accessible despite Earptopia’s best efforts.  If an Activity is not accessible and requires a separately sold Credential, Earptopia will make that clear at the time of sale.

Acknowledgment of Terms of Service

By Participating in Earpopia, Participant acknowledges and agrees that Participant has read, and agrees to comply with, the Terms and Conditions stated herein and agrees that these terms shall be construed by and governed in accordance with the laws of the city of Calgary and the Province of Alberta. With respect to any dispute arising out of these terms, the sole and exclusive jurisdiction lies with the Province of Alberta. For the avoidance of doubt, registration for the Event, Participation in the Event, and/or the purchase or use of Credentials shall be considered acknowledgement of, and agreement to, these Terms of Service.


  • No refunds
  • No guarantees
  • Don’t be a dick or we may kick you out
  • We need to collect some personal information but will never sell it
  • We want everything to be accessible but some things are truly out of our control
  • You acknowledge that even if you end up reading no portion or only a tiny portion of these Terms and Conditions, you are still bound by the entirety of them which also, by the way, we can update.